Fluxx Game

  1. Fluxx Game Instructions
  2. Fluxx Sign In
  3. Online Fluxx Game
  4. Different Fluxx Games

Dive Right In! The best way to learn Fluxx is to juststart playing it. The rules of the game are printed right on thecards, so it's easy to pick it up as you go along.

Fluxx fuses its chaotic and fun game play with offline and online features that fans have come to love in Playdek games! Featuring New Rule cards that change the rules of the game and Action cards that create chaos. Even the object of winning the game changes during play, as players swap out one Goal card for another. The Card Game with Ever-Changing Rules. 100 playing cards (view card list) for 2-6 players; ages 8 - Adult; 5-30 minute playing time. There are 5 main types of cards in Fluxx: Keepers: You put these out on the table in front of you when you play them.

Fluxx Game Instructions

Fluxx Version 5.0 Card Game. The latest and greatest version of the card game with ever changing rules! All Fluxx FAQ These are questions about issues common to ALL versions of Fluxx (except the board game, maybe) so if your question is specific to a certain themed version, look on the page for that version (see list below). Fluxx (unthemed versions).

To Get Started Immediately: Place the Basic Rules cardin the center of the table, shuffle the deck, deal 3 cards toeach player, and decide who goes first. Then just follow the BasicRules, adapting to the New Rules as they appear, continuing untilsomeone meets the most recently played Goal.

Turn Sequence: A turn consists of the following steps:
1) Draw the number of cards currently required.
2) Play the number of cards currently required.
3) Discard down to the current Hand Limit (if any).
4) Discard Keepers down to the current Keeper Limit (if any).

Keeper toilet paper fluxx game


Basic Rules: This is the starting point, the foundationon which the rest of the game is built. These initial rules willbe superseded by New Rules during the course of play, but thiscard should remain on the table at all times. The Basic Rulesare: Draw 1 card per turn, and Play 1 card per turn (with no Handor Keeper Limits).

New Rule: When a New Rule is played, place it face upnear the Basic Rules. If it contradicts a New Rule already inplay, discard that rule. New Rules take effect instantly, so allplayers must immediately follow the new rule as required. Thiswill often cause the player whose turn it is to draw or play additionalcards right away, or it may cause other players to immediatelydiscard some of their cards or Keepers.

Goal: When a Goal is played, place it face up in thecenter of the table, discarding the previous Goal (if any). Thegame begins with no Goal in play, so no one can win until someoneplays a Goal.

Keeper: To play a Keeper, take it out of your hand andplace it on the table in front of you (face up, unless a rulesays otherwise). Most of the Goals require you to have the rightpair of Keepers, so playing a Keeper is always a good thing.

Action: Actions are used once and discarded. Just putthe card in the Trash and do whatever it says. Note that whilesome Actions may cause additional cards to be played, everythingthat happens as a result of an Action card is considered partof one 'play.' It is also possible for an Action tohave no effect on the game.

Fluxx Sign In

The Blank Card: The blank is not a wildcard. It is foryou to create your own custom card with a permanent marker. (Extrablank cards are available at our website: www.wunderland.com/Fluxx)



The game continues until someone meets the conditions of thecurrent Goal. That player wins immediately, regardless of whoseturn it is.

Online Fluxx Game


If the deck runs out of cards, simply shuffle the discard pileand keep going.

Different Fluxx Games

A discard is not the same as a play. If a card is played, allinstructions on that card must be followed, if possible. You cannotdiscard unless you are compelled to by a Hand Limit. (Yes, youcould be forced to play a card that makes someone else win.)


Copyright © 2000 by Looney Laboratories, Inc.All rights reserved. No reproductions without author's permission.
Produced and distributed by LOONEY LABS, Inc.
PO Box 761, College Park, MD, 20740
Stock #LOO-001 ISBN 1-929780-01-X
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